Marketing Plans for All Businesses

The first two things you should think about when marketing your business to northeastern Wyoming is investment cost and results.  Our rates are economical and our success proven. A perfect fit for any business.



Retail Advertising


Full Front        $450*

Full Back        $475*

Half Front        $250*

Half Back        $275*

Full Page           $330

Half Page           $170

Quarter              $90

Eighth Page       $55

Sixteenth Page  $30



Color Charges

We use a CMYK four color process.  Combinations of these colors are available at the following charges:

Any Color: $75

*Front and back placement prices include full color.




Advertising Policy Information

The Advertiser sells regular display advertising in modules of a full, half, quarter and eighth pages. The actual size of those ads is broken down in this rate card. The Advertiser does not accept national liquor advertising unless local distributor's name is prominently placed in the ad. Position requests are accepted but not guaranteed.



Retail advertising may be canceled at any time prior to noon on the Friday before publication. Pre-printed inserts must be cancelled by noon the Friday before scheduled insertion date.



The Advertiser is published every week of the year, although deadlines may be changed due to the holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July, Labor Day and Memorial Day. Thank you in advance for understanding our efforts to allow our employees to celebrate these special times with their families.



Cash, check, Mastercard, Visa,  Discover ,or American Express is required for first time advertisers prior to publication.  An account will be created for you after first payment is received for all future billing.



Retail & Supplements: 4 columns (9.75") by 13", 1/8 between columns.

Each column is 14 picas wide.

Pre Printed Inserts

According to a national market study, pre-printed inserts are the second most effective form of print advertising, second only to direct mail.  We have the capability to insert pre-printed flyers, tabs and other forms of advertising materials in our weekly issue.  All rates are given in cost per thousand and page numbers given for tabloid style inserts.*


4 page..........$60

6 page..........$62

8 page..........$66

10 page........$70

12 page........$73

14 page........$76

16 page........$78

18 page........$80

20 page........$82

24 page........$84

28 page........$86

32 page........$88


*$175 folding charge added to any insert not quarter folded.  6x5x11 maximum unfolded size.



Frequency Discounts Available


Minimum            Discount

Inserts                Percent

Per Year

13                        5%

26                        10%

39                        15%

52                        20%


$47 per 1,000 for 8x10 page.